
Mission and Key Principles

Page history last edited by Sarah Nichols 3 months ago
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Mission & Key Principles of Part C Early Intervention




By completing this module, you will increase your knowledge of the 7 Key Principles for early intervention and learn what the principles look like and don’t look like. You will also gain knowledge and access to resources that will help you as you support and partner with families in early intervention.


 There are a variety of versions of this presentation that may help support early intervention professional development offerings in your state/territory. Please see the Facilitators Information Guide below for how each of these versions may be used and/or adapted.  You may use the citation below to reference materials from this module.


Workgroup on Universal Online Part C Early Intervention Curriculum, Early Intervention-Early Childhood Professional Development Community of Practice. (2023). Mission and key principles. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/UniversalEICurriculum-MKP



Self-Paced Online Module(s)

 (Updated November 2023)


Flyers highlighting what's new in the revised Mission & Key Principles Module!

For Pre-Service/In-Service Providers

For Family Members/Practitioners



Interactive asynchronous module(s) which include embedded audio, video clips, resources, and learning activities


Introduction/Navigation (runtime 5:43)

Overview of Mission and Key Principles and IDEA (runtime 8:37)

Principle 1 (runtime 8:59)

Principle 2 (runtime 12:20)

Principle 3 (runtime 12:37)

Principle 4 (runtime 13:50)

Principle 5 (runtime 10:17)

Principle 6 (runtime 9:02)

Principle 7 (runtime 15:48)

Closing Summary (runtime 3:22)


NOTE:  Those still using the original 2014 version of this curriculum will need to update their content by December 2024.



Mission and Key Principles Resources


Resources that accompany Mission and Key Principles of Part C Early Intervention include:

Key Resources & References (Resources referenced throughout the modules)

Linkages to Supporting Resources (e.g., Division for Early Childhood Recommended Practices, EI/ECSE Personnel Standards, etc.)

Additional Resources (Reference referenced within each of the Key Principles)

Bonus Resources (additional resources and activities that may not be included in the modules)


NOTE:  Programs may choose to utilize these resources to support individual or group reflection activities, extended learning activities and/or coursework beyond completion of the asynchronous online module(s).

Learner's Guide

A tool for adult learners completing the online module.  The Learner's Guide may also be used as a knowledge check if the curriculum is being used as part of a course or training requirement for individuals seeking a career in early intervention.


Facilitator's Guide


A tool to support organizations, institutions, and/or individuals (instructors, administrators, TA and/or PD providers supervisors, etc.) providing education and training for early intervention personnel. The guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the online “Mission and Key Principles” modules. It is not a “stand-alone” resource for distribution.



Mission and Key Principles PowerPoint files without Audio 



Access to PowerPoint files are available for download.  Programs may choose to use the PPTX files to customize/adapt content for their specific use.  Any materials that are used/adapted must include the citation to identify the original content source (see above).  Note these files do not include any narration but the script used for the voice over narration, links, resources and activities are all included. 


NOTE:  The PPTX files are located in a google drive folder.  If you have difficulty accessing the files and need assistance email eicurriculumworkgroup@gmail.com to see about an alternate way to retrieve the files.



Mission and Key Principle

Check for Understanding

The "Check for Understanding" includes follow up questions in a variety of formats including multiple choice, reflective and case study examples to help you measure the learner's understanding of the module's content and ability to apply this knowledge to daily practice.  These questions can be used to assist in determining the learner's understanding of material, but to also enhance retention and transfer of learning.  A "Learner" version and "Facilitator Copy" are available for download and/or embedding into a learning management system.


Archived Materials from 2014 Version of Mission and Key Principles Module


The 2014 version will be retired in June 2025. Anyone using these materials are encouraged to update their curriculum with the 2023 revised version.

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