
Participate (redirected from Coming Soon)

Page history last edited by Sarah Nichols 3 years, 8 months ago


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Provide Feedback

The EI Curriculum workgroup would appreciate any input you have on the materials that are stored on this website.  Your feedback will help guide our work to develop and improve the delivery of quality learning opportunities within the field of early intervention.  Please be sure to complete the survey at the end of the module(s) you completed and email the EI Curriculum Workgroup if you have questions, concerns or general feedback to share.



If you have existing curriculum in an online format that you would be willing to share and contribute to the workgroup OR if you would like to learn more about ways to collaborate and share resources for the development of future online training resources for the Universal Online Part C Early Intervention Curriculum then please email us at eicurriculumworkgroup@gmail.com.


Sign me up!

If you would like to receive email notifications about new materials and resources being developed please email the EI Curriculum Workgroup at eicurriculumworkgroup@gmail.com.  Please write "Sign me up" in the subject line when making this request.  Then if you would like to include some information in the body of the email about how you learned about our work (i.e. at a conference, through a colleague, etc.) as well as your role in early intervention and the state, territory or country you work in that would be greatly appreciated. 



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