Universal Online
Part C EI Curriculum
Welcome to the landing page for the Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum. This curriculum is being developed by a national workgroup of professionals from the Early Intervention-Early Childhood Professional Development Community of Practice. This workgroup convened with a common goal to develop an online early intervention curriculum, highlighting best practices in the early intervention process, that can be shared as a training tool and/or family resource for anyone in the nation. To learn more about the EI Curriculum Workgroup members please visit the About page.
The resources on this site will continue to grow and evolve as the curriculum is being developed. Resources found here are intended to support state and local level Early Intervention training initiatives. Content included is not state or territory specific and may be used to compliment or supplement other early intervention technical assistance, and awareness efforts
The Online Curriculum page includes: 1) a description {of each module}; 2) links to a variety of online versions of the modules; 3) module specific Facilitators Information Guide that provide suggestions for use, references, and instructions for citation should you choose to include any content found on this workspace within your system; and 4) Checks for Understanding which may be used to help assess the knowledge gained from the learning experience. Please note that CEUs are not provided by the Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum Workgroup. Check with your state or licensing body to determine if they offer CEUs for completing these modules.
If you'd like to know more about the Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum and how it might benefit you then please check out this flyer or the article titled: The Universal Online Part C EI Curriculum: What it is and how can you use it! which was published in the Zero To Three newsletter in August 2017.
If you wish to become more involved in the content development process, learn more about how others are using these resources, or be informed of new postings on this workspace please visit the Participate page to learn more. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for the EI Curriculum Workgroup please visit the Contact Us page.
We invite you to check out the resources found on this site and use materials in the manner that suits your needs.
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